Welcome to the Troubleshooting area. Here you can get information and suggestions for problems you may be experiencing.
Click on a problem below for information and suggestions related to that problem. Or choose an item from the menu to the left.
If this area does not provide the information you are looking for, select the feedback option in the menu to the left, and send us a description of your problem.
- I've forgotten my Sign-On ID and/or Pass Code.
- I've requested an Account to be added, but it doesn't show up in my Account Summary.
- When I click on the Register of an account, the register shows no transactions.
- When I sign in, I am immediately presented with an ALERT screen saying I have performed an illegal activity.
- While working with the Online banking, I am occasionally presented with an ALERT screen.
- What are Cookies?
- There is a transaction in my register that I don't recognize.
- The information in my register doesn't appear to be up-to-date.
- I've scheduled a payment or transfer and it has not been made.
- Problem #1
- I've forgotten my Sign-On ID and/or Pass Code.
- Recommendation:
- If you have forgotten your Sign-On ID or Pass Code, send a feedback message stating this fact to the Support Desk. Be sure to include your name with the message. You will then be contacted to verify your identity. Upon verification, this information will be presented to you again.
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- Problem #2
- I've requested an Account to be added, but it doesn't show up in my Account Summary.
- Recommendation:
- When you request an account to be added, the request is placed in a queue for verification. This verification process may take a couple of business days. If, after a couple of days have passed, the account doesn't show up in your account summary page, send a message to the Support Desk and the matter will be researched.
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- Problem #3
- When I click on the Register of an account, the register shows no transactions.
- Recommendation:
- Posted transactions to your account are tracked by the system from the point of enrolling or adding the account. So, as time goes by, transactions will begin to show in your register. If you have had transactions in your register in the past, and they are no longer showing, send a message to the Support Desk, and the matter will be researched.
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- Problem #4
- When I sign in, I am immediately presented with an ALERT screen saying I have performed an illegal activity.
- Recommendation:
- This is most commonly caused by your browser not being configured to accept cookies.
You should be aware that Online banking depends on cookies to verify your identity after signing in. If you've disabled cookies from within your browser, or if you are running third-party software that intercepts or deletes cookies, you will not be able to use Online banking to manage your accounts.
With Microsoft Internet Explorer, you have the option of ordering your browser to disable all cookie use, to accept all cookies, or to alert you every time a cookie is offered. Then you can decide whether to accept one or not.
If you have your cookies disabled, you will be presented with an ALERT page whenever you attempt to Sign-in to Online banking.
If you chose to be prompted every time a cookie is offered, you will get a number of dialog boxes after signing in asking whether you want to accept the cookie. If you answer yes to these dialog boxes, you will be allowed to use the system. If you answer no to any of these dialog boxes, you will be presented with the ALERT page.
Changing how your browser deals with Cookies
In Internet Explorer 4.0:
- On the View menu, click Internet Options.
- Click the Advanced tab.
- Scroll down to the yellow exclamation icon under Security and pick one of the three options.
In Internet Explorer 5.0:
- On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
- Click the Security tab.
- Select the Internet zone.
- Click Custom Level.
- Scroll down to the Cookies section and enable both the "Allow cookies that are stored on your computer" and the "Allow per-session cookies (not stored)" sections.
In Netscape Navigator 4.0:
- On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
- Click Advanced.
- Set your options in the section labeled "Cookies."
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- Problem #5
- While working with the Online banking, I am occasionally presented with an ALERT screen.
- Recommendation:
- Online banking will automatically sign you out if you have remained idle for a period of time. This is done in case you have forgotten to sign-off of the system. If you are idle on a particular page for a while, the system may interpret this to mean that you have left the system and will subsequently sign you off. When you then request your next page, you will be presented with the ALERT screen and you will need to sign back on again.
If you have not been idle for any period of time and you receive the ALERT screen, this may be caused by your browser's cookie configuration (see the previous problem).
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- Problem #6
- What are Cookies?
- Recommendation:
- Cookies are small text files on your system, used for keeping track of settings or data for a particular Web site. Because the servers that receive your requests for Web pages have no way of knowing specifically who is making a request, they have no way of storing settings for specific users or changing the page they send based on choices a user has made on another page.
Cookies solve this problem by saving settings on your (the user's) system. When your browser requests a page, it sends the settings that apply to that page along with the request. Because your browser will send back only the settings to the server that originally created them, cookies are a very secure way of maintaining data that is specific to a particular user.
Cookies can be temporary or permanent. Your browser keeps track of temporary cookies as long as it is running, but deletes them when it is shut down. Temporary cookies are used to pass information between Web pages during a single visit. (Online Banker uses this method.)
Your browser saves permanent cookies as tiny files on your system to maintain settings or data between multiple visits. "Permanent" cookies are actually set to expire at some time in the future (commonly between 30 days and a year from their creation date), and are automatically deleted from your system at that time.
Cookies are currently the only way to save personal choices between visits to a Web page without having to log on each time you come to the page.
Cookie Concerns
Although disabling cookies for your browser is an option, it's intended for a small minority of people with extreme security or privacy concerns. If you choose it, you give up a lot of convenience in exchange for a small amount of perceived privacy.
For example, with or without cookies, it is currently possible for the creators of a Web site you visit to keep track of such things as the following:
- The address of the page that contained the link that brought you to their site
- All the pages you visit on their site
- Choices you made on forms on their site
- What browser you are using
- Extensions you might have added to your browser
- The operating system you are using
- The time your system clock is set to
- The absolute address (IP address) of the server that connects you to the Internet
The only thing cookies add is the ability to keep track of this type of information over multiple visits, thereby allowing the creators of the Web site to build a more precise profile of a particular visitor's preferences.
But the creators of a Web site do not have access to personal information such as your name or your e-mail address unless you specifically give it to them. Therefore they have no way of matching any data they might have gathered with a specific user.
The only information available to a Web site that comes close to identifying you specifically is the IP address, but most Internet servers provide connections for multiple users, and each user is usually assigned a new IP address randomly each time they log on.
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- Problem #7
- There is a transaction in my register that I don't recognize.
- Recommendation:
- If there is a transaction in your register that you don't recall making or creating, send a message to the Support Desk, specifying the transaction information, and the issue will be researched.
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- Problem #8
- The information in my register doesn't appear to be up-to-date.
- Recommendation:
- Online banking is updated each morning with posted transactions from the night before. Transactions made on weekends and holidays will not post to your account until the next business day.
If you feel that an item has cleared but is not showing in your register, send a message to the Support Desk, specifying the transaction information, and the issue will be researched.
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- Problem #9
- I've scheduled a payment or transfer and it has not been made.
- Recommendation:
- If your payee has not posted the payment to your account within a few days of receiving it, send a message to the Support Desk to inquire about the status of the payment.
Be sure to provide the item's reference number (the reference number is displayed on the Register screen under the "Num" column). The payment/transfer will then be traced and a status response will be sent to you.
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